Sunday, May 12, 2013

On My Mind Recently...

Good Evening! I just wanted to share a few things that have been on my mind recently...
This last week at work I had an interesting experience. I was in my unit cleaning a patient's teeth and I overheard a conversation between two dental assistants that went something like this:
J: So last night my son asked me if Satan was a beast.
M: That is so funny! What did you tell him?
J: Well, I told him that he was kind of a beast. That would be one name for him. Then my son wanted to know where Satan came from.
M: What did you tell him?
J: Well, I didn't really know what to tell him. He was confused and so was I. He asked if God had made Satan and I told him yes God made everyone. Then he wanted to know why God had made Satan a beast.
M: That is a good question.
J: I told him I wasn't quite sure why God had made Satan that way. I also told him that one time his grandma had told me a story about how Satan use to be a beautiful angel and then he got kicked out of heaven.
M: You know, that is a hard question to answer. I don't know the answer to that question either. That's a hard one...
As I sat in my operatory listening to this conversation a lot of things started entering my mind.
First of all- I have never wondered where Satan has come from at all. I have been taught since I was a little girl who Satan is, why he doesn't live in heaven, why he doesn't have a body, and why he tempts us. I am grateful for the restoration of the gospel and that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have the fulness of the gospel. I am grateful to parents who taught me basic principles of the gospel so I would not be confused. I had never considered that others might wonder about Satan and be curious about his identity and his "background."
 Second of all- If they had asked me that question, I wondered how I would have responded. So in my mind I began forming a very short, 1 1/2-2 minute response that could help answer their question. Hopefully my response would make sense, but also help them have the desire to learn more. I am sure that my answer would make much more sense to J and to her son than what she knew (which was pretty much nothing). 
I thought back to Sister Dutton's lesson a few weeks ago when she talked about missionary work and studying Preach My Gospel. Those who are not members of the church have so many questions and it is important that we be able to answer them with a direct but short response. When faced with a gospel question we shouldn't always have to respond with, "Well come to my house and meet with the missionaries because talking about Satan could take an hour because you have to get into the pre-existence and choosing between Jesus' plan or Satan's plan and then 1/3 of the hosts of heaven leaving and how angry he is because he doesn't have a body so he tries to get us to misuse ours..." Most of the time when someone asks you a question they want a simple short response. And then if that leads to more questions that might be a good time to get the missionaries involved. Be grateful a friend feels comfortable asking you questions about the gospel. And if you don't know the answer it's ok to say you don't know but that you will find out and get back to them. 
 I planned on telling J and M what I knew about Satan, but after I finished with my patient they were busy and then a time when the three of us could be together just never happened. Maybe soon enough I can resolve their confusion. 
There are opportunities all around us to share what we know to be true. I know that if you will pray and ask Heavenly Father to help you be aware of those situations he will help you to recognize them. And if you will ask him to help you to know what to say, he will also help you. Those who seek to do the Lord's will and serve others will always have his assistance.

 This last week my dad has been visiting for my little sister's college graduation. She graduated from ISU with a Master's degree in Counseling. I am so proud of her. 
When my dad visits it can sometimes be difficult. He has some different ideas about how people should live their lives. He is a member of the church but doesn't believe some of the things that church teaches in regards to the family. 
My dad has always taught me and my sisters that an education should be the number 1 priority in your life. And if you need to put anything else in your life on the "back burner" than you should.
 I know that my dad wishes I was at a different place in my life right now.
I have chosen a family over career and large amounts of money. My dad believes I am "doing it all wrong." But I disagree. I feel peace that I am doing an important work in my family.
My dad thinks he knows what brings happiness. But I am more than happy. I feel joy in my family.
 This life is about families. Before we came to earth we started out as a family. We are part of our Heavenly Father's family, we are his spirit children. We came to this earth and joined families. Families can bring us so much joy in this life. Families are a great way for us to learn about the principles of the gospel. Being a member of a family helps us to develop Christ-like attributes and be more like our Heavenly Father. In the family unit is the greatest place to learn all that we need to in this life. Many of our families are different. Growing up I felt like my family was so different because my parents were divorced and I hated that. No matter your family circumstance today or what they may even be like in the future, remember that you are always a part of Heavenly Father's family and remember that you are his daughter....
When considering your future families THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO is to seek the Lord's guidance. He has a different plan for each of us. There are things he needs each of us to do to build the kingdom of God. Always seek his will and be willing to follow through. He will never lead you astray but will always lead you to true happiness. 
I love each of you and know that your futures look bright if you will stay close to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Love, Sister Chambers 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gaining Our Own Personal Testimony

The new teaching curriculum "Come, Follow Me" has changed the way I have taught. Prayerfully considering several weeks or even 2 months in advance what I would like to teach has been powerful for me and my testimony. It has helped me to feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost as I understand what I should be teaching. I have had a lot of time to ponder about the upcoming lesson and to increase my own testimony of the particular principle I will be teaching.
 This week's lesson was no different. I have been considering my personal testimony lately, as I mentioned in a previous post. I thought in today's lesson I would share a lot of my personal experiences, but I was directed to teach in a different way.
I know that gaining our own personal testimony is the most important thing to do here on this earth. Without a personal testimony we will not achieve the end goal which is to gain eternal life and be as our Father in Heaven and to live with our families forever.
Today in class we talked about belief a lot.  Just a reminder what Brother Holland said in this April 2013 conference in his talk entitled, "Lord, I Believe"

A 14-year-old boy recently said to me a little hesitantly, “Brother Holland, I can’t say yet that I know the Church is true, but I believe it is.” I hugged that boy until his eyes bulged out. I told him with all the fervor of my soul that belief is a precious word, an even more precious act, and he need never apologize for “only believing.” I told him that Christ Himself said, “Be not afraid, only believe,” a phrase which, by the way, carried young Gordon B. Hinckley into the mission field. I told this boy that belief was always the first step toward conviction and that the definitive articles of our collective faith forcefully reiterate the phrase “We believe.” And I told him how very proud I was of him for the honesty of his quest.
  When I was your girls age I had a lot of belief but not a lot of testimony, as I mentioned in an earlier post. I think what has changed my belief to testimony and in some cases to unwavering faith is my willingness to submit to the Lord's will. I have been willing to do what he has asked of me. I have been willing to keep his commandments (and obey them more strictly) and follow his prophets and their counsel. I have heeded the Lord's counsel to find out for myself if these things are true.
 I know it is important to do these things because it is the only way to make it through this life that can be full of so much disappointment and heartache and challenges.

Simply stated, testimony—real testimony, born of the Spirit and confirmed by the Holy Ghost—changes lives. It changes how you think and what you do. It changes what you say. It affects every priority you set and every choice you make. To have a real and abiding testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to be “spiritually … born of God,” to “[receive] his image in your countenances,” and to experience a “mighty change in your hearts” (Alma 5:14).
-M. Russell Ballard, "Pure Testimony"

 I know that gaining a personal testimony will change your life.

Love, Sister Chambers

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Temple Marriage

What a SUPER fun night we had Tuesday. Sister Dutton put so much hard work into mutual. I am grateful for her dedication to the activity. It was so exciting to see you girls dressed in wedding dresses. You all looked so beautiful. It was fun to see your excitement for marriage.
I remember, just like you, being excited to get married. It was so fun to think about what my wedding colors would be, what I wanted my dress to look like, what my ring would look like, how my reception would be decorated... I think I probably planned dozens of weddings in my mind. 
When I did become engaged it was a lot of fun to plan my wedding and reception. I remember wanting it to be so memorable and beautiful. The things I thought I would remember about my wedding and reception, I don't however. Those things now are not as important to me. 
 Almost 5 years later, my greatest memory of my wedding day is being in the temple with my husband. Before we went into the sealing room, my husband and I sat in the Celestial room together for a long time. I was so nervous at first, but the longer we sat in there together, on this pretty yellow/gold couch, the more comfortable and at peace I felt and I even began drifting off to sleep on his shoulder. It is my greatest memory from that day because sitting in the temple with him I recognized how much joy I felt. It was so wonderful to sit next to the man that I loved in the Lord's house and know that we could be together for eternity.
 I can promise you that the experiences that you and your eternal companion have in the temple will be some of your most cherished memories. 
Marriage may only be a few years away for some of you, others it will be many more years away... No matter how far into the future it may be, I hope that you will always be excited for marriage. But not just any marriage, a TEMPLE MARRIAGE. There is no greater blessing on this earth than being sealed to the right person, at the right time in your life, in the right place. I am sure that no fame or fortune even compares.
Please hold on to your handouts from Tuesday nights activity and follow Sister Dutton's direction for writing a letter to your future husband. We will soon finish our marriage time capsules! What a wonderful gift to open when you become engaged!
Love, Sister Chambers 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Serving The Lord

When my husband set me apart as the 1st counselor in this young women's presidency he said something in the blessing which caught my attention. He said (not a direct quote) "You will understand why you were called into this position." When he said that it really caused me to reflect that there was a purpose for this particular calling. I have remembered frequently that blessing and tried to pin point what I should be learning in my calling or what I should be doing that the Lord needs ME to do. I considered that maybe I would not understand the full purpose for my calling as 1st counselor in the young women's presidency until I was released. When Sister McDaniel announced last Sunday that she was moving, I knew that I would be released and began thinking about what my husband said during my setting-apart.
 An experience occurred just the week prior to Sister McDaniel's announcement between her and I. It caused me some serious reflection and a moment where I thought, "Who is the person that I want to be? AND am I willing to do what I need to do to become that person?" The Holy Ghost told me last Sunday that that experience has been part of the answer to understanding why I was called into this position. 
But as I have reflected even more about my calling and all the things I have learned and experiences gained, what is apparent to me most is:
 I think that there are several things I have done, learned, and recognized in the short time of being in this calling that have increased my testimony.
1-  A great factor in me recognizing how strong my testimony is, is you girls. As I watch you in your junior high and high school years I have thought back a lot to my own life during those years. I did believe that the church was true. I did go to young women's on Sunday and mutual during the week. I worked on my personal progress and I did attend all 4 years of seminary. I never did anything "really bad". But seeing how strong my testimony is now, I recognize that back then, I didn't really have much of a testimony. During my time in this calling I have had such a GREAT desire to try to foster in you girls a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I wish when I was your age I had been more valiant in my testimony. It could have helped me so much with things that I struggled with. I think of how many people I could have helped back then. And I wonder where I might be today if my testimony had been then what it is now. 
When I was your age I remember thinking that it would be easier to read the scriptures when I was older and not so busy. It would be easier to pray in the morning and at night because I wouldn't be so tired. It would be easier to share the gospel as an adult. It would be easier to do A LOT of things when you are older because adults have an easy life and can do whatever they want. 
Well... it doesn't get any easier to live the gospel the older you get. At 25 it can be hard to wake up in the morning and say prayers, to not gossip about your friend, to find something modest to wear, to watch a clean movie, to study your scriptures... Start those habits of obeying the Lord's commandments now. If you do, it WILL be easier to keep the commandments as an adult because you have been in the habits already for several years. 
At first it may seem difficult to keep the Lord's commandments. But when you begin to do it you recognize how much easier it really does make your life. The blessings that the Lord extends to those who follow him are tremendous.
2-  I have studied my scriptures more as I have been in this young women's calling. Teaching at least once a month has helped me to search the scriptures more, to read the words of the prophets more frequently, and to seek the Lord's help in prayer. Every lesson that I have taught I have had a testimony of. When you really search out a topic or principle and as you study it out, especially seeking the Lord's help, the Holy Ghost will help you to understand its truthfulness. 
 Studying my scriptures more has helped me to apply them into my own life. Even though the lessons are tailored for those of young women age- they apply to everyone. I have learned so much through the lessons that have helped me make better decisions.
When we discussed being honest even in the little things, I recommitted myself to being more honest in all of my doings.
When we have discussed the atonement I decided to start praying more often and thanking my Heavenly Father for that wonderful gift and to look for ways that I could hand over my burdens to my Savior Jesus Christ. 
When we were learning about the Plan of Salvation I took a lot of time to reflect on all of the truth in that doctrine and to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for his Plan. I want to live my life so that I may live with him and my Savior and my family in the celestial kingdom.
Discussing topics like tattoos, piercings, alcohol, drugs, and immorality I would sometimes think that those topics didn't apply to me as much as it did you girls. But temptation is out there for all of us. And thinking that a certain commandment or principle doesn't apply to you anymore because you are older or married isn't a good thought process. That is what Satan wants us to think and that is the first step towards sin. I have recognized in my own life ways that I can avoid falling into Satan's traps. 
 3-  Prayer has helped me as I have prepared lessons. But it has also helped me as I have tried to help you girls. I pray frequently that I can be sensitive to your needs and know how to best serve you. Sometimes I have received a prompting from the Holy Ghost to call one of you, write you a note, say something to you on Sunday, or other things. It may have been an experience that you remember. Perhaps I answered a prayer of yours with something I once said to you. Perhaps I boosted your spirits during a sad day. Perhaps I helped you want to be more valiant in your testimony. Or maybe what I did didn't have any effect on you at that time. But I have been prompted several times to help each one of you. Most of the time I have not understood why I should do what I did. I hope that in some way I have been able to bless your lives.

I am not sure if I will be called to stay in young women's or if I will serve in another capacity. But I know that I have been blessed by serving in this organization with you young women. I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me all of the experiences I have had in young women's and I am glad that I have taken many opportunities to increase my testimony. I do understand some of the reasons why I was serving as 1st counselor at this time. And maybe I will understand even more so as time goes on... I hope that you know that I have a testimony and that I love you girls.

Love, Sister Chambers

Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday, April 20th

An update on tomorrow's activities!
We are having a pancake (and bacon) breakfast for Miss Jenna tomorrow morning at my house at 7:30 am! We are so so so so excited for Jenna to join us in young womens!
Afterwards, about 8:30 the young men will meet up with us at my house and we will say a prayer together as a group and leave together. I know some of you are planning on going with your parents and that is fine. But we have been asked by the stake to have a prayer as a ward prior to leaving.  Brother Andersen and Brother Chambers will be taking the youth from our ward who won't be going with their parents. Also, if you need to leave before noon that is fine. But please let Brother Andersen and Brother Chambers know because we are responsible for you and they will get worried if they do not know where you have gone.
I am excited to know that so many of you will be coming to the leaf raking activity. It is wonderful you are so willing to serve! And don't forget- yummy pizza afterwards!
I am sorry it took so long to clarify exactly what the plans were for tomorrow!

Love, Sister Chambers

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Restoration

Hello Young Women,
This month our lessons will be about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is a handout that explains a lot about the restoration. If you will study it before class on Sunday I know that you will learn and understand so much more about the restoration. It will also bless the lives of everyone else in class as you share what you have already learned.
Click on this link to see a larger version.
Sunday, April 14th our lesson will be, "Why was the restoration necessary?"

Love, Sister Chambers

Thursday, April 4, 2013


"...till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me." Job 27:5
When I was in young women's, Integrity was a hard value for me to understand. The story that Sister Dutton has shared of her choosing not to receive her Youngwomanhood Recognition award is a perfect example of showing integrity. She shared the story at New Beginnings. If you have not heard it, you should ask her to tell you.
 I have been thinking about integrity a lot lately. My husband has a lot of integrity. He is always happy to do what is right despite the consequences. At his job he has several times shown his integrity and done the right thing despite the fact that no one else was and that other people would be upset with him.
What do you think causes someone to act with integrity?
I have given this some thought and have decided that those who act with integrity do so because they know who they are. They are women who know they are daughters of God and they understand that the Lord needs them to be examples of truth and righteousness. They are men who know they are sons of God, who hold the priesthood, the power of God on this earth, and understand that as such they should do as he would do.
I know that in my husband's case, he truly cares more what the Lord thinks of him than what others may think.

For some, integrity may come easier. My husband's parents were, and still are, great examples of integrity for him. In fact, just the other day I was reminded of that as I talked with a patient of mine. I learned that he knew my in-laws so I told him that my father in law was just called as a mission president. He remarked that he would make a great mission president because he obeyed rules too strictly. He then relayed a story to me about a decision my father in law had made as stake president, that affected him and his family. He was very unhappy still about what had happened. He ended with, "I understand that he was doing what was right, but sometimes you have to bend the rules to spare people's feelings."
One of Satan's tools to get us to commit sin is to make us justify it. And certainly a justification of "I don't want to hurt someone's feelings" is appealing.
 A few years ago, Brother Chambers was taking a college English class. A girl approached him and asked if Tom Chambers was his brother. He said he was. She told my husband a story about his little brother and his integrity. Freshman year of high school Tom and this girl took an English class together. One day the class was taking a test and the teacher left. When she left, many of the students started discussing the test and copied answers. When the teacher returned Tom told the teacher what had happened. Those students were very angry with Tom. She admitted that she had been angry with him too, but now several years later, she admired him and wished she had the courage to show integrity like he did.
How can we show more integrity?
Being married to someone with integrity helps me to show more integrity. It is important to surround yourself with those who have high moral standards and who value integrity. Be one who makes it easier for others to act with integrity.
Pray for help. The Lord will bless us to achieve our righteous desires.
 Read your scriptures. They are full of examples of those who showed integrity and those who did not. It is clear from the scriptural examples that the Lord is pleased with and blesses those who show integrity.
In a temple recommend interview there are many questions to answer. One of my favorites is, "Are you honest in your dealings with your fellowmen?" I remember when I was first asked that question, I went home and reflected on it quite a bit. There are many ways in which we can be dishonest with others. I made a commitment at that time to try harder to be more honest in ALL of my interactions with others, and even in those cases in which it is just me and the Lord who know... How wonderful it is to say to the Lord that you are honest in your dealings, and "have the moral courage to make [your] actions consistent with [your] knowledge of right and wrong." 

Love, Sister Chambers

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mutual, April 2nd

Dear Young Women,
I am so sad that I had to miss mutual this week! I was very, very sick. 
I am so grateful for Sister Dutton taking over the mutual activity for me. It was so nice to be able to count on her! She texted me a picture of the work you girls did- the birthday sign looks even BETTER than I imagined! Great job everyone! I will be finishing it up tomorrow and then it will be ready for the next young woman's birthday!
Thank you, Marlee, for making the General Conference packets and journals. Marlee did that for a 10 hour personal progress project. 
I am excited for General Conference. I know that General Conference can answer any question that we might have. Pray before you watch and pay attention to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes I find that I receive an answer straight from a speaker. Other times, my answer has nothing to do with what the speaker has said- I have simply been earnestly seeking and put myself in a situation where the promptings of the Spirit can be felt more readily.
Last conference for mutual we talked about different things we do to prepare for conference. One thing my husband's parents taught me was to dress in church attire. The way you dress reflects how you act. I find that if I wear my pajamas and am snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, I can fall asleep... But if I wear nice clothes and sit on the couch, instead of lay, I am much more attentive. I remember many of your suggestions: praying beforehand, praying with family, fasting, writing impressions down in a journal.
Please take this opportunity to listen to what our Heavenly Father wants us to know!
I also heard that Miss Sara got an injury. Darn it! I am so sorry.
And finally... Happy 13th Birthday to Dallas!! I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you! I hope it was very, very special! I can't believe you are already 13! When I first moved into the ward I remember being your Primary teacher. I was so impressed with your knowledge of the scriptures. I was sure you knew some scripture stories better than me. We are so blessed to have you in our ward and young women's group.
Have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Chambers

Monday, April 1, 2013

I hope they call me on a mission....

I LOVED having the missionaries come and teach us on Sunday!  Just hearing them talk and share their testimony made me miss my mission SO SO much!  I hope that all of you young women will pray and consider making a mission part of your plans!  There is not a day that I am not blessed from the experiences I had while on my mission! I read this great message and thought I would share! It has some great insights! It any of you have any questions about life as a Sister missionary please just ask!  Its one of my favorite topics to talk about!

<3 Sister Dutton

Preparing to Serve: Suggestions for Young Women

If a mission is the right thing for you, here are some ways you can continue the preparation you've already begun as a disciple of Christ.
Francesca had long thought about serving a mission, but she was only 19, and the option of a mission was still two years away. Not knowing what could change during that time, she was preparing to serve however Heavenly Father might want.
When President Thomas S. Monson announced in the October 2012 general conference the change to age eligibility for missionary service, Francesca was one of many who counseled with their parents and priesthood leaders, sought spiritual confirmation that the opportunity was right, and started the recommendation process.
If you, too, have felt a desire to serve and that a mission is what Heavenly Father wants for you, then you may have already realized that your efforts to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ have set you firmly on the path of successful mission preparation.
Here are some suggestions for additional preparation you may want to consider.

Starting the Process

Missionary service is an opportunity, not an obligation, for women in the Church. Prayerfully counsel with your parents and priesthood leaders about your decision of if and when to serve. Once you’ve decided it’s right, you will work with your bishop or branch president throughout the missionary recommendation process.

Gospel Knowledge and Testimony

Your regular study of the scriptures, participation in the Church, and attendance at seminary have provided a firm foundation of gospel knowledge. If you aren’t already, begin studying Preach My Gospel—particularly chapter three and its scripture references. As you prepare in your studies to invite others to receive the restored gospel and come unto Christ, you will strengthen your own knowledge and testimony.
Prepare to share the gospel by taking every opportunity to share what you are learning right now. Regular opportunities are found in the Personal Progress program, in the new Come, Follow Me curriculum, in visiting teaching if you are in Relief Society, in accompanying the full-time missionaries during lessons where possible, and in inviting others to learn more about the restored gospel. Teaching family home evening lessons from chapter three of Preach My Gospel is also a great way to prepare.

Personal Worthiness

Personal worthiness is key to being open to the influence of the Holy Ghost as you prepare to help others come unto the Savior. Your ongoing preparation to be worthy to enter the holy temple is important whether you are preparing to serve a mission or not.
“When a young woman is worthy to enter the temple, then she is also prepared to serve a mission,” said Young Women general president, Sister Elaine S. Dalton, in an interview with the Church News. “The temple comes first! A missionary experience helps provide a setting in which she keeps the covenants she has made in the temple as she dedicates her time, talents, and personal resources to building the Lord’s kingdom.”
During the missionary recommendation process, young women who are preparing to serve should counsel with parents and priesthood leaders to decide when the time is right to receive the temple endowment. In addition to living in line with temple worthiness standards, young women can prepare by studying the temple preparation handbook.

Physical Health

Your mission will require a high level of activity. Improving your physical fitness, if necessary, will increase not only your ability to perform the work but your enthusiasm for it as well.
Physical preparation can be different for every missionary. As part of the missionary recommendation process, be sure to ask your doctor about any concerns you may have.

Emotional Health

Learning to cope with challenges and the stresses of living and interacting with others is an important skill whether you serve a full-time mission or not. Your parents and priesthood leaders can help you evaluate how prepared you are to handle the stresses of mission life and identify the weaknesses you may want to focus on.
Preach My Gospel, the Missionary Handbook, and The District (a missionary documentary available online) can help you understand and prepare for the missionary lifestyle before you enter the field.

Financial Preparation

Church leaders have long counseled prospective missionaries to prepare to pay for as much of their missionary service as possible. You and your family should consider your financial circumstances carefully. Counsel with your bishop or branch president if you have questions. While financial challenges outside of your control don’t automatically disqualify you from service, Heavenly Father expects you to do what is within your control.

Dress and Grooming

Not only is it important to save money for the monthly cost of a mission, but also for clothes and other supplies you’ll need in preparation.
As representatives of Jesus Christ, all missionaries are asked to present themselves appropriately. Be aware of the dress and grooming guidelines for sisters.
Wait to gather clothing and supplies until you have your call so that you will know what is suitable for the climate where you’ll serve. Remember to keep your clothes and supplies to a minimum, because too much luggage can make moving during transfers more difficult.

Additional Preparation

To find additional suggestions and resources for preparing to serve a mission, visit
See examples of dress and grooming standards for sister missionaries.
Learn more about missionary life by watching The District, a show featuring the daily life of missionaries.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Atonment and Trials

On Sunday we had a lesson on how the Atonement can help us during our trials. Here are a few of the quotes I shared in the lesson...

The Atonement is an Individual Experience - Chieko N. Okazaki

Well, my dear sisters, the gospel is the good news that can free us from guilt. We know that Jesus experienced the totality of mortal existence in Gethsemane. It's our faith that he experienced everything- absolutely everything. Sometimes we don't think through the implications of that belief. We talk in great generalities about the sins of all humankind, about the suffering of the entire human family. But we don't experience pain in generalities. We experience it individually. That means he knows what it felt like when your mother died of cancer- how it was for your mother, how it still is for you. He knows what it felt like to lose the student body election. He knows that moment when the brakes locked and the car started to skid. He experienced the slave ship sailing from Ghana toward Virginia. He experienced the gas chambers at Dachau. He experienced Napalm in Vietnam. He knows about drug addiction and alcoholism.
Let me go further. There is nothing you have experienced as a woman that he does not also know and recognize. On a profound level, he understands the hunger to hold your baby that sustains you through pregnancy. He understands both the physical pain of giving birth and the immense joy. He knows about PMS and cramps and menopause. He understands about rape and infertility and abortion. His last recorded words to his disciples were, "And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20) He understands your mother-pain when your five-year-old leaves for kindergarten, when a bully picks on your fifth-grader, when your daughter calls to say that the new baby has Down syndrome. He knows your mother-rage when a trusted babysitter sexually abuses your two-year-old, when someone gives your thirteen-year-old drugs, when someone seduces your seventeen-year-old. He knows the pain you live with when you come home to a quiet apartment where the only children are visitors, when you hear that your former husband and his new wife were sealed in the temple last week, when your fiftieth wedding anniversary rolls around and your husband has been dead for two years. He knows all that. He's been there. He's been lower than all that. He's not waiting for us to be perfect. Perfect people don't need a Savior. He came to save his people in their imperfections. He is the Lord of the living, and the living make mistakes. He's not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief."

(Chieko N. Okazaki, Lighten Up, Preface, p. 174)

That whole quote was a great reminder to me of how I need turn to the Lord more fully.  I LOVE the last part of the quote! I sometimes feel like I have to be perfect in order for the Lord to help me.  I need to remember that He is there for me in my weakest moment and is just waiting to strengthen me in my time of need. 

I asked everyone to write down some burdens or trails that they are facing right now.  Then to write down how you can turn to the Lord to help you in your struggles.  I hope you all are working on that.  I know that as we ask for the Lords help He will bring us the peace and strength that we seek.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thoughts on the Atonement

What a great month of lessons we have had! All who have taught have done such a wonderful job and I have learned so much each Sunday and always felt buoyed up as I have left. 
Today during Sister Dutton's lesson I was reminded of a story Sheri Dew told. I have mentioned several times in young womens how much I admire Sheri Dew. I love to read her books, she speaks to me in ways that I understand and after listening to or reading her words I am always edified. I thought I would share a portion of something she shared.
In New York City for a work meeting, Sister Dew was sleeping in a hotel when she was woken up at 3:00 am by a fire alarm. As she sprung out of bed, she worried she might not be allowed back in her room and did not want to attend her meeting in sweats and no makeup and without her work. So she grabbed her suitcase and briefcase and ran out of the room to join the other guests as they made their way down the fire escape to safety. Sister Dew was on the 44th floor. She had recently had knee surgery and was still recovering, so her other knee took the brunt of the force as she carried 40 pounds of luggage and traveled straight down 1,232 steps. (Consequently her other knee needed surgery as well and the recovery was much slower...) Looking back on the experience she wondered why she hadn't just grabbed her laptop, phone and scriptures. She reflected on the experience and applied it to our mortal existence. 
"... on this jaunt through mortality we've simply got to leave our baggage behind, because our spiritual joints can't take the pounding. When I speak of baggage, I'm not talking about burdens. Burdens are part of the mortal experience- the burdens that come with unfulfilled expectations, with disappointment and heartache, with affliction and wavering faith. Loneliness can be a burden. Emotional wounds can be burdens. Heavy assignments from the Lord can feel like burdens. And certainly, sin creates burdens. But the Savior atoned precisely so we wouldn't have to carry our burdens alone. He knew they'd be too heavy for us. 
 Thus His entreaty, "Come unto me,  all ye that... are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."... When we cast our burdens upon the Lord, He sustains us either by helping us carry the burden or by ridding us of it entirely.  Alma's people experienced this when their burdens "were made light; yes, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease." ... Baggage, however, is another matter entirely. Burdens have the potential to exalt us, but baggage just weighs us down and wears us out. When we don't repent, sin becomes baggage. Natural man-behaviors that we aren't ready to give up become baggage. Worry, jealousy, and guilt are baggage. An unforgiving heart, anger, regret, and pride are baggage. Resentment, the desire to retaliate, fear, and insecurity create unbearable baggage. We choose whether or not to pick up the baggage, and Satan loves nothing more than loading us down like pack mules. ... The best manuals on baggage disposal, as well as on learning how to cast our burdens upon the Lord, are the scriptures, which are filled with truth and light. 
 "And he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day" (D&C 50:24). ... Indeed the scriptures are a magnificent conduit of light, or personal revelation- which is why they are the ultimate latter-day survival manual. ... The scriptures can help us with both our burdens and our baggage if we'll learn how to mine them for answers to every life situtation."
Excerpts taken from, "If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard" by Sheri Dew, pages 27-31.

I always appreciate the wonderful comments you girls share. I am reminded of the young woman who shared that during volleyball practice, while in the bathroom, her and another young woman who had been "fighting" for years made up and apologized to one another. Definitely that baggage was lifted from both of them.
I often think of Sheri Dew's advice about baggage and have thought, "Life is already difficult enough, why would I want to try to add more problems that are unnecessary?" I try to keep this in mind, but often I must be reminded by a loving Heavenly Father to get rid of my baggage.
 In these past lessons we have really had some great reminders about why we must pass through trials. And what a plethora of quotes to lift us up. Here is another, "All of us have problems. We face them every day. How grateful I am that we have difficult things to wrestle with. They keep us young, if that is possible. They keep us alive. They keep us going. They keep us humble. They pull us down to our knees to ask God in heaven for help in solving them. Be grateful for your problems, and know that somehow there will come a solution. Just do the very best you can, but be sure it is the very best. Then leave it in the hands of the Lord."
President Gordon B. Hinckley, February 7, 2003 
A personal testimony of Jesus Christ and an understanding of the power that lies within His gospel will make it possible for us to do our best.
 After the lesson today, Sister McDaniel remarked that often she doesn't know when other people are going through trials because so many people handle them gracefully. Perhaps the reason that they handle their trials "gracefully" is because:
1- They are seeking our Heavenly Father's guidance through personal prayer, scripture study, fasting, and church/temple attendance.
2- They are allowing our Savior to ease their burdens through his infinite atonement.
3- Their personal testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel has burrowed deep within their hearts and they recognize that this trial has the potential to exalt them to godliness.
I have a testimony that trials are part of our Heavenly Father's plan for us and I am motivated after these lessons the past month to work harder to allow my Savior to ease my burdens and seek out my Heavenly Father for guidance and love.

How I love to learn from one another. Thank you all for sharing your faith-building experiences.  

Love, Sister Chambers

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Note of Thanks

Today in Young Women's opening exercises I read this note from Sister Allen-
"I would like to thank all of you for your thoughtfulness in taking the time to think of us older women of our ward. May the Lord Bless all of you! Love to all of you!"
I know that the other women, Sister Robinson and Sister Jensen were also very grateful for your visits and the opportunity to talk with you girls. Thank you for taking the time to spotlight them and make them feel special. Hopefully we will have another activity like this soon! There are many in our ward we could visit and uplift.
President David O. Mckay made this statement, "Man's greatest happiness comes from losing himself for the good of others."
Let us remember Sister Jensen in our prayers since she had some complications from her fall and will be having surgery tomorrow.

Love, Sister Chambers

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Insight to share....

The other day in my personal scripture study I came across some passages that left an impression on me, and thought I would share them with you girls. 

I was reading in the book of  Alma chapter 16.  In this chapter it talks about Alma and Amulk teaching the people after a victory over the Lamanite people. I have read this chapter several times but I have never stop to liken this passage to my life.  I mean,  Alma and Amulek are missionaries right?  I am not, so I couldn't possible apply the principals taught in the next verses to  my life...or so I thought!

 Alma Chapter 16

13 And Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance to the people in their a
temples, and in their bsanctuaries, and also in their csynagogues, which were built after the manner of the Jews.
 14 And as many as would hear their words, unto them they did impart the word of God, without any arespect of persons, continually.

What stood out to me is how they taught the gospel...

 "without any respect of persons, continually"

What does "respect of persons" mean exactly? Well to me I think that it means that Alma and Amulek went and taught EVERYONE.  They didn't look and judge people by their actions, or appearance before they taught them.  They just taught them and trusted the Lord would do the rest! I know that can be very hard to do.  We sometimes tend to think that we know the "type" of people that will accept the gospel.  You know, those that look, act and think like us right?  Well not exactly, that is a lesson I learned over and over on my mission, sometime the people you think are the least prepared and ready to receive the gospel are the ones that the Lord has went before us and softened their hearts. 

So I know what you are thinking, "OK Sister Dutton, where are you going with this, how does it apply to our young women's group?" Well this is what the Spirit taught me after pondering these scriptures. 

We as a Young Women group have a strong desire to see all that are in our group become active and strong members. We talk about it, we pray about it, we are even fasting about it, its a VERY righteous desire.  I can tell you that nothing would make me happier than to see our classroom full every Sunday and I do think that it would make Heavenly Father very happy as well! So what am I doing to help that desire?  What actions am I taking to reach out to everyone in our group?  Am I doing as Alma and going forth "with out any  respecter of person"?  Or do I talk myself out of it by thinking "they are not ready yet, they don't seem like they want to come" I know that I am personally taking the challenge upon myself to be more like Alma and Amulk.  To try to see EVERYONE as Heavenly Father sees them, and to pour out love to them, not just once but CONTINUOUSLY!  I am going to trust the Lord more and go and do! 

I know that Heavenly Father will listen to our prays and knows the desires of our hearts.  It reminds me of my most all time favorite scripture Alma 5:7

"Behold, he changed their hearts;
          ...yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God"

Love, Sister Dutton

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Just a reminder about our special Young Women's fast this coming Sunday, March 3rd.
There are many young women who should be with us and are not. There are also young women who will be joining us this year as they turn twelve. As you fast, please keep these young women in mind.
Consider how we as a group or you as an individual can reach out to these young women. Through you they can feel their Heavenly Father and Savior's love for them.
 Our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, has encouraged us to "reach out and rescue those who need our help and lift them to the higher road and the better way. ... It is the Lord's work, and when we are on the Lord's errand, ... we are entitled to the Lord's help."
I know that, as the scriptures teach, if we will bring at least one soul into the gospel, great will be our joy.

Love, Sister Chambers

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our Bodies Are Temples

I enjoyed so much teachings today's lesson. 
I know that our bodies are gifts from our Heavenly Father. They house our spirits and were made in his image. Showing respect for our bodies shows our Heavenly Father how much we are grateful for his gift to us. As we treat our body like a temple we show him that we know we are his daughter and that we do desire to gain all that he has.
 I know Satan wants to tempt us to hate, harm, defile and abuse our bodies. We doesn't want us to love ourselves. He would be happy if we destroyed our great gift because he will never have one. Two ways Satan tries to deceive us about our bodies is to tempt us to be unchaste and immodest. 

Here is a link to the two videos we watched in class today:
 195 Dresses
You girls understand why it is important to be modest. I can tell from our discussion today that you want to dress your body to reflect the Savior. Remember what I read from Sister Tanner,
"Happiness comes from accepting the bodies we have been given as divine gifts and enhancing our natural attributes, not from remaking our bodies after the image of the world. The Lord wants us to be made over—but in His image, not in the image of the world, by receiving His image in our countenance."
My challenge to you after watching and discussing this video was to decide: How can I encourage others to be more modest?
 You girls are already an influence for good. As you focus your attention on encouraging others to be more modest you will find Heavenly Father guiding you to know how you can do this.
 Chastity: What Are the Limits
I loved the pilot analogy in this movie. What a great example of why it is important to set limits. I hope that you girls will take the challenge by Elder Scott and set personal standards for yourself. Setting personal standards for yourself will keep you focused on being chaste and help you to avoid finding yourself in a compromising situation. Set limits that keep you far away from danger... not near a waterfall's edge or rickety bridge with a hungry alligator below...
 My patriarchal blessing counseled me to always stay worthy to enter the temple so that when that time did  arrive nothing would be amiss in my life that might keep me from attaining the greatest blessing Heavenly Father bestows upon his children in this life.
I testify that being sealed to a worthy young man in the House of the Lord for time and all eternity is worth remaining modest and sexually pure.

Love, Sister Chambers

Monday, February 11, 2013

What Do The Choices I Make Matter?

This life is all about choices. What a great gift from our Heavenly Father!
We have decisions to make that vary from the insignificant (what to wear, what to eat, what sports to play...) to those of serious consequence (who to marry, whether we keep our covenants or not...). Heavenly Father could have chosen Lucifer's plan, but he did not. He chose to give us our free agency, the right to choose. Heavenly Father was aware that we would not always make the best choices, so he sent his son to atone for our sins. Because of the atonement, we have the opportunity to make mistakes (which we will as a result of the natural man) and repent, learn from our poor choices and improve who we are, continually becoming more like our Heavenly Father and Savior. Our Father in Heaven gives us the opportunity to choose because as we make righteous decisions we become more like him and Jesus Christ.
 We have the choice of what kind of life we want to live. We "are free to choose liberty and eternal life...or to choose captivity and death." (2 Nephi 2:27) To choose liberty and eternal life we must follow our Heavenly Father commandments. The reason our choices matter is because the right choices lead to eternal life. He will guide us to make the right decision and encourage us when it seems difficult to make the correct choice. Captivity and death comes by making poor choices.
Often we can lose focus of our end goal, eternal life, because it seems so far into the future and in the present are so many difficult things we are faced with. To keep yourself on the straight and narrow path:
Study your scriptures daily.
 They were written for us, to help teach us which choices will lead us to happiness in this life and eventually, eternal life, and they give us strength to do what we know is right.
Earnestly pray to your Heavenly Father.
 He hears and answers your prayers. Learn to recognize how our Father answers your prayers. Seek his guidance always.
Strictly obey the commandments
Do not justify even a little sin because it begins a pattern of poor decision making. If you will keep the "little" commandments you will never find that you have broken a serious one.
Attend the temple.
 Find every opportunity to attend the temple. It is the Lord's house. Whether for temple baptisms or walking on the grounds. Always be worthy to enter the Lord's house and continually be preparing for the day you will enter there to receive your own endowment.

At mutual we read the scriptures associated with and then discussed the Choice and Accountability required experience #1. The challenge was to establish regular prayer and scripture study that would help you to make a wise decision about something you are struggling with. If you did not then take the challenge, I hope that you now will after again discussing on Sunday why making good decisions is important. If you are already saying your prayers and reading your scriptures, do so more dilligently and see if it will increase your desire to make wise decisions. 
At the time of Tuesday's mutual I had not yet chosen something to work on. But Wednesday I found myself losing my temper with Creighton after numerous potty accidents. I have decided to immerse myself in my scriptures and pray fervently for the Lord's help that I may make better decisions as a mother throughout the day. I want to be more patient, understanding and loving. I know with the Lord's help it will be easier to make the decision to be the kind of mother I want to be when confronted with a less than ideal situation. As a mother, the choices I make strongly affect my children.
If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to hear what decisions you have asked the Lord to help you with.
 I am so grateful for my calling in Young Women's and the opportunity I have to teach. I learn so much by preparing to teach you young women. I am also blessed by my associations with you girls. Thank you for your strong testimonies. I know you are trying to make good choices!

Love, Sister Chambers

There were several recipes left at my home so here is a copy in case yours was left behind!