Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our Bodies Are Temples

I enjoyed so much teachings today's lesson. 
I know that our bodies are gifts from our Heavenly Father. They house our spirits and were made in his image. Showing respect for our bodies shows our Heavenly Father how much we are grateful for his gift to us. As we treat our body like a temple we show him that we know we are his daughter and that we do desire to gain all that he has.
 I know Satan wants to tempt us to hate, harm, defile and abuse our bodies. We doesn't want us to love ourselves. He would be happy if we destroyed our great gift because he will never have one. Two ways Satan tries to deceive us about our bodies is to tempt us to be unchaste and immodest. 

Here is a link to the two videos we watched in class today:
 195 Dresses
You girls understand why it is important to be modest. I can tell from our discussion today that you want to dress your body to reflect the Savior. Remember what I read from Sister Tanner,
"Happiness comes from accepting the bodies we have been given as divine gifts and enhancing our natural attributes, not from remaking our bodies after the image of the world. The Lord wants us to be made over—but in His image, not in the image of the world, by receiving His image in our countenance."
My challenge to you after watching and discussing this video was to decide: How can I encourage others to be more modest?
 You girls are already an influence for good. As you focus your attention on encouraging others to be more modest you will find Heavenly Father guiding you to know how you can do this.
 Chastity: What Are the Limits
I loved the pilot analogy in this movie. What a great example of why it is important to set limits. I hope that you girls will take the challenge by Elder Scott and set personal standards for yourself. Setting personal standards for yourself will keep you focused on being chaste and help you to avoid finding yourself in a compromising situation. Set limits that keep you far away from danger... not near a waterfall's edge or rickety bridge with a hungry alligator below...
 My patriarchal blessing counseled me to always stay worthy to enter the temple so that when that time did  arrive nothing would be amiss in my life that might keep me from attaining the greatest blessing Heavenly Father bestows upon his children in this life.
I testify that being sealed to a worthy young man in the House of the Lord for time and all eternity is worth remaining modest and sexually pure.

Love, Sister Chambers

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