Monday, February 11, 2013

What Do The Choices I Make Matter?

This life is all about choices. What a great gift from our Heavenly Father!
We have decisions to make that vary from the insignificant (what to wear, what to eat, what sports to play...) to those of serious consequence (who to marry, whether we keep our covenants or not...). Heavenly Father could have chosen Lucifer's plan, but he did not. He chose to give us our free agency, the right to choose. Heavenly Father was aware that we would not always make the best choices, so he sent his son to atone for our sins. Because of the atonement, we have the opportunity to make mistakes (which we will as a result of the natural man) and repent, learn from our poor choices and improve who we are, continually becoming more like our Heavenly Father and Savior. Our Father in Heaven gives us the opportunity to choose because as we make righteous decisions we become more like him and Jesus Christ.
 We have the choice of what kind of life we want to live. We "are free to choose liberty and eternal life...or to choose captivity and death." (2 Nephi 2:27) To choose liberty and eternal life we must follow our Heavenly Father commandments. The reason our choices matter is because the right choices lead to eternal life. He will guide us to make the right decision and encourage us when it seems difficult to make the correct choice. Captivity and death comes by making poor choices.
Often we can lose focus of our end goal, eternal life, because it seems so far into the future and in the present are so many difficult things we are faced with. To keep yourself on the straight and narrow path:
Study your scriptures daily.
 They were written for us, to help teach us which choices will lead us to happiness in this life and eventually, eternal life, and they give us strength to do what we know is right.
Earnestly pray to your Heavenly Father.
 He hears and answers your prayers. Learn to recognize how our Father answers your prayers. Seek his guidance always.
Strictly obey the commandments
Do not justify even a little sin because it begins a pattern of poor decision making. If you will keep the "little" commandments you will never find that you have broken a serious one.
Attend the temple.
 Find every opportunity to attend the temple. It is the Lord's house. Whether for temple baptisms or walking on the grounds. Always be worthy to enter the Lord's house and continually be preparing for the day you will enter there to receive your own endowment.

At mutual we read the scriptures associated with and then discussed the Choice and Accountability required experience #1. The challenge was to establish regular prayer and scripture study that would help you to make a wise decision about something you are struggling with. If you did not then take the challenge, I hope that you now will after again discussing on Sunday why making good decisions is important. If you are already saying your prayers and reading your scriptures, do so more dilligently and see if it will increase your desire to make wise decisions. 
At the time of Tuesday's mutual I had not yet chosen something to work on. But Wednesday I found myself losing my temper with Creighton after numerous potty accidents. I have decided to immerse myself in my scriptures and pray fervently for the Lord's help that I may make better decisions as a mother throughout the day. I want to be more patient, understanding and loving. I know with the Lord's help it will be easier to make the decision to be the kind of mother I want to be when confronted with a less than ideal situation. As a mother, the choices I make strongly affect my children.
If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to hear what decisions you have asked the Lord to help you with.
 I am so grateful for my calling in Young Women's and the opportunity I have to teach. I learn so much by preparing to teach you young women. I am also blessed by my associations with you girls. Thank you for your strong testimonies. I know you are trying to make good choices!

Love, Sister Chambers

There were several recipes left at my home so here is a copy in case yours was left behind! 

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