Saturday, March 2, 2013

Insight to share....

The other day in my personal scripture study I came across some passages that left an impression on me, and thought I would share them with you girls. 

I was reading in the book of  Alma chapter 16.  In this chapter it talks about Alma and Amulk teaching the people after a victory over the Lamanite people. I have read this chapter several times but I have never stop to liken this passage to my life.  I mean,  Alma and Amulek are missionaries right?  I am not, so I couldn't possible apply the principals taught in the next verses to  my life...or so I thought!

 Alma Chapter 16

13 And Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance to the people in their a
temples, and in their bsanctuaries, and also in their csynagogues, which were built after the manner of the Jews.
 14 And as many as would hear their words, unto them they did impart the word of God, without any arespect of persons, continually.

What stood out to me is how they taught the gospel...

 "without any respect of persons, continually"

What does "respect of persons" mean exactly? Well to me I think that it means that Alma and Amulek went and taught EVERYONE.  They didn't look and judge people by their actions, or appearance before they taught them.  They just taught them and trusted the Lord would do the rest! I know that can be very hard to do.  We sometimes tend to think that we know the "type" of people that will accept the gospel.  You know, those that look, act and think like us right?  Well not exactly, that is a lesson I learned over and over on my mission, sometime the people you think are the least prepared and ready to receive the gospel are the ones that the Lord has went before us and softened their hearts. 

So I know what you are thinking, "OK Sister Dutton, where are you going with this, how does it apply to our young women's group?" Well this is what the Spirit taught me after pondering these scriptures. 

We as a Young Women group have a strong desire to see all that are in our group become active and strong members. We talk about it, we pray about it, we are even fasting about it, its a VERY righteous desire.  I can tell you that nothing would make me happier than to see our classroom full every Sunday and I do think that it would make Heavenly Father very happy as well! So what am I doing to help that desire?  What actions am I taking to reach out to everyone in our group?  Am I doing as Alma and going forth "with out any  respecter of person"?  Or do I talk myself out of it by thinking "they are not ready yet, they don't seem like they want to come" I know that I am personally taking the challenge upon myself to be more like Alma and Amulk.  To try to see EVERYONE as Heavenly Father sees them, and to pour out love to them, not just once but CONTINUOUSLY!  I am going to trust the Lord more and go and do! 

I know that Heavenly Father will listen to our prays and knows the desires of our hearts.  It reminds me of my most all time favorite scripture Alma 5:7

"Behold, he changed their hearts;
          ...yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God"

Love, Sister Dutton

1 comment:

  1. What a great lesson learned from the scriptures. Such a wonderful and amazing thing about reading the scriptures is that no matter how many times you read them, you always find something new. Or if not new, a scripture that previously had another meaning to you now has a new one. Perhaps these scriptures stood out because we have been more mindful recently of the young women who are not with us, or only with us occasionally.

    I know that when we are praying for something, anything, that the Lord will answer our prayers. I am reminded of our personal progress night in February when we discussed prayer and scripture study... Answers to our prayers, questions, or concerns we might have come in all different ways. I am counseled by my patriarchal blessing to read my scriptures frequently and on a regular basis for in them I will find the answers to most of my troubling questions. What a promise!

    The scriptures were written for us in our day and for our benefit. Our father did not send us to this earth alone. In fact, he gave us a map and a guide. The scriptures and the Holy Ghost. We cannot stray from the way back to him if we will heed the promptings of the Holy Ghost and if we will immerse ourselves in the scriptures. I do believe that the answers to any of our questions can be answered through the reading of our scriptures. But we must pray and seek dilligently.

    I heard you girls discussing the fast this day. Thank you for remembering and for remembering it in opening and closing young women prayer. One thing to keep in mind- Each person's salvation is their own choice. Every person exercises their agency. We must use our agency and choose to love, encourage, and invite all to come unto him. If some do not accept your invitation to church, mutual, or listening to the gospel message do not be too upset. Heavenly Father is pleased that you are reaching out and loving his children. I know that your actions right now plant seeds that another may one day help to nourish and grow.

    Love, Sister Chambers
