Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Temple Marriage

What a SUPER fun night we had Tuesday. Sister Dutton put so much hard work into mutual. I am grateful for her dedication to the activity. It was so exciting to see you girls dressed in wedding dresses. You all looked so beautiful. It was fun to see your excitement for marriage.
I remember, just like you, being excited to get married. It was so fun to think about what my wedding colors would be, what I wanted my dress to look like, what my ring would look like, how my reception would be decorated... I think I probably planned dozens of weddings in my mind. 
When I did become engaged it was a lot of fun to plan my wedding and reception. I remember wanting it to be so memorable and beautiful. The things I thought I would remember about my wedding and reception, I don't however. Those things now are not as important to me. 
 Almost 5 years later, my greatest memory of my wedding day is being in the temple with my husband. Before we went into the sealing room, my husband and I sat in the Celestial room together for a long time. I was so nervous at first, but the longer we sat in there together, on this pretty yellow/gold couch, the more comfortable and at peace I felt and I even began drifting off to sleep on his shoulder. It is my greatest memory from that day because sitting in the temple with him I recognized how much joy I felt. It was so wonderful to sit next to the man that I loved in the Lord's house and know that we could be together for eternity.
 I can promise you that the experiences that you and your eternal companion have in the temple will be some of your most cherished memories. 
Marriage may only be a few years away for some of you, others it will be many more years away... No matter how far into the future it may be, I hope that you will always be excited for marriage. But not just any marriage, a TEMPLE MARRIAGE. There is no greater blessing on this earth than being sealed to the right person, at the right time in your life, in the right place. I am sure that no fame or fortune even compares.
Please hold on to your handouts from Tuesday nights activity and follow Sister Dutton's direction for writing a letter to your future husband. We will soon finish our marriage time capsules! What a wonderful gift to open when you become engaged!
Love, Sister Chambers 

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