Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday, April 20th

An update on tomorrow's activities!
We are having a pancake (and bacon) breakfast for Miss Jenna tomorrow morning at my house at 7:30 am! We are so so so so excited for Jenna to join us in young womens!
Afterwards, about 8:30 the young men will meet up with us at my house and we will say a prayer together as a group and leave together. I know some of you are planning on going with your parents and that is fine. But we have been asked by the stake to have a prayer as a ward prior to leaving.  Brother Andersen and Brother Chambers will be taking the youth from our ward who won't be going with their parents. Also, if you need to leave before noon that is fine. But please let Brother Andersen and Brother Chambers know because we are responsible for you and they will get worried if they do not know where you have gone.
I am excited to know that so many of you will be coming to the leaf raking activity. It is wonderful you are so willing to serve! And don't forget- yummy pizza afterwards!
I am sorry it took so long to clarify exactly what the plans were for tomorrow!

Love, Sister Chambers

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