Thursday, April 4, 2013


"...till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me." Job 27:5
When I was in young women's, Integrity was a hard value for me to understand. The story that Sister Dutton has shared of her choosing not to receive her Youngwomanhood Recognition award is a perfect example of showing integrity. She shared the story at New Beginnings. If you have not heard it, you should ask her to tell you.
 I have been thinking about integrity a lot lately. My husband has a lot of integrity. He is always happy to do what is right despite the consequences. At his job he has several times shown his integrity and done the right thing despite the fact that no one else was and that other people would be upset with him.
What do you think causes someone to act with integrity?
I have given this some thought and have decided that those who act with integrity do so because they know who they are. They are women who know they are daughters of God and they understand that the Lord needs them to be examples of truth and righteousness. They are men who know they are sons of God, who hold the priesthood, the power of God on this earth, and understand that as such they should do as he would do.
I know that in my husband's case, he truly cares more what the Lord thinks of him than what others may think.

For some, integrity may come easier. My husband's parents were, and still are, great examples of integrity for him. In fact, just the other day I was reminded of that as I talked with a patient of mine. I learned that he knew my in-laws so I told him that my father in law was just called as a mission president. He remarked that he would make a great mission president because he obeyed rules too strictly. He then relayed a story to me about a decision my father in law had made as stake president, that affected him and his family. He was very unhappy still about what had happened. He ended with, "I understand that he was doing what was right, but sometimes you have to bend the rules to spare people's feelings."
One of Satan's tools to get us to commit sin is to make us justify it. And certainly a justification of "I don't want to hurt someone's feelings" is appealing.
 A few years ago, Brother Chambers was taking a college English class. A girl approached him and asked if Tom Chambers was his brother. He said he was. She told my husband a story about his little brother and his integrity. Freshman year of high school Tom and this girl took an English class together. One day the class was taking a test and the teacher left. When she left, many of the students started discussing the test and copied answers. When the teacher returned Tom told the teacher what had happened. Those students were very angry with Tom. She admitted that she had been angry with him too, but now several years later, she admired him and wished she had the courage to show integrity like he did.
How can we show more integrity?
Being married to someone with integrity helps me to show more integrity. It is important to surround yourself with those who have high moral standards and who value integrity. Be one who makes it easier for others to act with integrity.
Pray for help. The Lord will bless us to achieve our righteous desires.
 Read your scriptures. They are full of examples of those who showed integrity and those who did not. It is clear from the scriptural examples that the Lord is pleased with and blesses those who show integrity.
In a temple recommend interview there are many questions to answer. One of my favorites is, "Are you honest in your dealings with your fellowmen?" I remember when I was first asked that question, I went home and reflected on it quite a bit. There are many ways in which we can be dishonest with others. I made a commitment at that time to try harder to be more honest in ALL of my interactions with others, and even in those cases in which it is just me and the Lord who know... How wonderful it is to say to the Lord that you are honest in your dealings, and "have the moral courage to make [your] actions consistent with [your] knowledge of right and wrong." 

Love, Sister Chambers

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