Sunday, April 21, 2013

Serving The Lord

When my husband set me apart as the 1st counselor in this young women's presidency he said something in the blessing which caught my attention. He said (not a direct quote) "You will understand why you were called into this position." When he said that it really caused me to reflect that there was a purpose for this particular calling. I have remembered frequently that blessing and tried to pin point what I should be learning in my calling or what I should be doing that the Lord needs ME to do. I considered that maybe I would not understand the full purpose for my calling as 1st counselor in the young women's presidency until I was released. When Sister McDaniel announced last Sunday that she was moving, I knew that I would be released and began thinking about what my husband said during my setting-apart.
 An experience occurred just the week prior to Sister McDaniel's announcement between her and I. It caused me some serious reflection and a moment where I thought, "Who is the person that I want to be? AND am I willing to do what I need to do to become that person?" The Holy Ghost told me last Sunday that that experience has been part of the answer to understanding why I was called into this position. 
But as I have reflected even more about my calling and all the things I have learned and experiences gained, what is apparent to me most is:
 I think that there are several things I have done, learned, and recognized in the short time of being in this calling that have increased my testimony.
1-  A great factor in me recognizing how strong my testimony is, is you girls. As I watch you in your junior high and high school years I have thought back a lot to my own life during those years. I did believe that the church was true. I did go to young women's on Sunday and mutual during the week. I worked on my personal progress and I did attend all 4 years of seminary. I never did anything "really bad". But seeing how strong my testimony is now, I recognize that back then, I didn't really have much of a testimony. During my time in this calling I have had such a GREAT desire to try to foster in you girls a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I wish when I was your age I had been more valiant in my testimony. It could have helped me so much with things that I struggled with. I think of how many people I could have helped back then. And I wonder where I might be today if my testimony had been then what it is now. 
When I was your age I remember thinking that it would be easier to read the scriptures when I was older and not so busy. It would be easier to pray in the morning and at night because I wouldn't be so tired. It would be easier to share the gospel as an adult. It would be easier to do A LOT of things when you are older because adults have an easy life and can do whatever they want. 
Well... it doesn't get any easier to live the gospel the older you get. At 25 it can be hard to wake up in the morning and say prayers, to not gossip about your friend, to find something modest to wear, to watch a clean movie, to study your scriptures... Start those habits of obeying the Lord's commandments now. If you do, it WILL be easier to keep the commandments as an adult because you have been in the habits already for several years. 
At first it may seem difficult to keep the Lord's commandments. But when you begin to do it you recognize how much easier it really does make your life. The blessings that the Lord extends to those who follow him are tremendous.
2-  I have studied my scriptures more as I have been in this young women's calling. Teaching at least once a month has helped me to search the scriptures more, to read the words of the prophets more frequently, and to seek the Lord's help in prayer. Every lesson that I have taught I have had a testimony of. When you really search out a topic or principle and as you study it out, especially seeking the Lord's help, the Holy Ghost will help you to understand its truthfulness. 
 Studying my scriptures more has helped me to apply them into my own life. Even though the lessons are tailored for those of young women age- they apply to everyone. I have learned so much through the lessons that have helped me make better decisions.
When we discussed being honest even in the little things, I recommitted myself to being more honest in all of my doings.
When we have discussed the atonement I decided to start praying more often and thanking my Heavenly Father for that wonderful gift and to look for ways that I could hand over my burdens to my Savior Jesus Christ. 
When we were learning about the Plan of Salvation I took a lot of time to reflect on all of the truth in that doctrine and to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for his Plan. I want to live my life so that I may live with him and my Savior and my family in the celestial kingdom.
Discussing topics like tattoos, piercings, alcohol, drugs, and immorality I would sometimes think that those topics didn't apply to me as much as it did you girls. But temptation is out there for all of us. And thinking that a certain commandment or principle doesn't apply to you anymore because you are older or married isn't a good thought process. That is what Satan wants us to think and that is the first step towards sin. I have recognized in my own life ways that I can avoid falling into Satan's traps. 
 3-  Prayer has helped me as I have prepared lessons. But it has also helped me as I have tried to help you girls. I pray frequently that I can be sensitive to your needs and know how to best serve you. Sometimes I have received a prompting from the Holy Ghost to call one of you, write you a note, say something to you on Sunday, or other things. It may have been an experience that you remember. Perhaps I answered a prayer of yours with something I once said to you. Perhaps I boosted your spirits during a sad day. Perhaps I helped you want to be more valiant in your testimony. Or maybe what I did didn't have any effect on you at that time. But I have been prompted several times to help each one of you. Most of the time I have not understood why I should do what I did. I hope that in some way I have been able to bless your lives.

I am not sure if I will be called to stay in young women's or if I will serve in another capacity. But I know that I have been blessed by serving in this organization with you young women. I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me all of the experiences I have had in young women's and I am glad that I have taken many opportunities to increase my testimony. I do understand some of the reasons why I was serving as 1st counselor at this time. And maybe I will understand even more so as time goes on... I hope that you know that I have a testimony and that I love you girls.

Love, Sister Chambers

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