Sunday, May 12, 2013

On My Mind Recently...

Good Evening! I just wanted to share a few things that have been on my mind recently...
This last week at work I had an interesting experience. I was in my unit cleaning a patient's teeth and I overheard a conversation between two dental assistants that went something like this:
J: So last night my son asked me if Satan was a beast.
M: That is so funny! What did you tell him?
J: Well, I told him that he was kind of a beast. That would be one name for him. Then my son wanted to know where Satan came from.
M: What did you tell him?
J: Well, I didn't really know what to tell him. He was confused and so was I. He asked if God had made Satan and I told him yes God made everyone. Then he wanted to know why God had made Satan a beast.
M: That is a good question.
J: I told him I wasn't quite sure why God had made Satan that way. I also told him that one time his grandma had told me a story about how Satan use to be a beautiful angel and then he got kicked out of heaven.
M: You know, that is a hard question to answer. I don't know the answer to that question either. That's a hard one...
As I sat in my operatory listening to this conversation a lot of things started entering my mind.
First of all- I have never wondered where Satan has come from at all. I have been taught since I was a little girl who Satan is, why he doesn't live in heaven, why he doesn't have a body, and why he tempts us. I am grateful for the restoration of the gospel and that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have the fulness of the gospel. I am grateful to parents who taught me basic principles of the gospel so I would not be confused. I had never considered that others might wonder about Satan and be curious about his identity and his "background."
 Second of all- If they had asked me that question, I wondered how I would have responded. So in my mind I began forming a very short, 1 1/2-2 minute response that could help answer their question. Hopefully my response would make sense, but also help them have the desire to learn more. I am sure that my answer would make much more sense to J and to her son than what she knew (which was pretty much nothing). 
I thought back to Sister Dutton's lesson a few weeks ago when she talked about missionary work and studying Preach My Gospel. Those who are not members of the church have so many questions and it is important that we be able to answer them with a direct but short response. When faced with a gospel question we shouldn't always have to respond with, "Well come to my house and meet with the missionaries because talking about Satan could take an hour because you have to get into the pre-existence and choosing between Jesus' plan or Satan's plan and then 1/3 of the hosts of heaven leaving and how angry he is because he doesn't have a body so he tries to get us to misuse ours..." Most of the time when someone asks you a question they want a simple short response. And then if that leads to more questions that might be a good time to get the missionaries involved. Be grateful a friend feels comfortable asking you questions about the gospel. And if you don't know the answer it's ok to say you don't know but that you will find out and get back to them. 
 I planned on telling J and M what I knew about Satan, but after I finished with my patient they were busy and then a time when the three of us could be together just never happened. Maybe soon enough I can resolve their confusion. 
There are opportunities all around us to share what we know to be true. I know that if you will pray and ask Heavenly Father to help you be aware of those situations he will help you to recognize them. And if you will ask him to help you to know what to say, he will also help you. Those who seek to do the Lord's will and serve others will always have his assistance.

 This last week my dad has been visiting for my little sister's college graduation. She graduated from ISU with a Master's degree in Counseling. I am so proud of her. 
When my dad visits it can sometimes be difficult. He has some different ideas about how people should live their lives. He is a member of the church but doesn't believe some of the things that church teaches in regards to the family. 
My dad has always taught me and my sisters that an education should be the number 1 priority in your life. And if you need to put anything else in your life on the "back burner" than you should.
 I know that my dad wishes I was at a different place in my life right now.
I have chosen a family over career and large amounts of money. My dad believes I am "doing it all wrong." But I disagree. I feel peace that I am doing an important work in my family.
My dad thinks he knows what brings happiness. But I am more than happy. I feel joy in my family.
 This life is about families. Before we came to earth we started out as a family. We are part of our Heavenly Father's family, we are his spirit children. We came to this earth and joined families. Families can bring us so much joy in this life. Families are a great way for us to learn about the principles of the gospel. Being a member of a family helps us to develop Christ-like attributes and be more like our Heavenly Father. In the family unit is the greatest place to learn all that we need to in this life. Many of our families are different. Growing up I felt like my family was so different because my parents were divorced and I hated that. No matter your family circumstance today or what they may even be like in the future, remember that you are always a part of Heavenly Father's family and remember that you are his daughter....
When considering your future families THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO is to seek the Lord's guidance. He has a different plan for each of us. There are things he needs each of us to do to build the kingdom of God. Always seek his will and be willing to follow through. He will never lead you astray but will always lead you to true happiness. 
I love each of you and know that your futures look bright if you will stay close to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Love, Sister Chambers 

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