Friday, May 9, 2014


Dear Young Women, 
I have been pondering on the many opportunities you will have at young women girl's camp this year. Especially with Sister Homer as your leader. She has many talents and abilities that can bless your life if you will allow them to. She has much that she can teach you that you will be grateful for.
I served for two years as some of you young women's camp director. Having no camping experience it was a very difficult and stressful calling for me but now I can look back on it with fond memories and I even miss it! What a wonderful organization the church has, that each member is called to serve, through inspiration from the Lord, in different capacities.  I have a testimony the Lord strengthens us in our weaknesses!
I brought many things to the camp program several years ago as I served. But I recognize in so many ways what Sister Homer can bring (that I could not) and I hope you can as well. I am excited for her to be your leader and for you to learn things that perhaps you could not learn in another way. A great thing about camp is that you learn- without realizing you are learning! 
In years past, I have heard Sister Homer teach young women about the stars and constellations while relaxing in the evening under the stars. She has taught about insects and all kinds of creepy-crawlies that would "bug" us as we sat around the picnic tables making crafts, eating our lunch, or playing games.
Not only does she know so much about the outdoors but it seems life in general. Have you ever wondered, "Will I ever know as much as Sister Homer?" I have. She has years of experience and so one day we can all be as knowledgeable as her... but NOT if we do not take OPPORTUNITIES to learn. Which I know she has done over her lifetime. 
“The time has now come to turn about and face the future. This is a season of a thousand opportunities. It is ours to grasp and move forward. What a wonderful time it is for each of us to do his or her small part in moving the work of the Lord on to its magnificent destiny”
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Unfortunately I will not be able to join you at camp this year. But I know you will have an excellent time as always!
Love, Sister Chambers

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