Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Dear Young Women,
I have a new addiction- familysearch.org
I first took the ward family history class a year ago. I was interested in family history, but with a newborn I didn't find the time to do much with what I was learning. A few months ago I got the "itch" to do family history but needed a refresher course on the website and what I had learned in the class, so I asked Sister Higgins to help me. When I took the course at church- she was the teacher, the ward family history consultant. It only took a half an hour and I felt ready to search at home on my own.
I love it and spend many early morning and late evening hours on there searching family lines. I love looking at how far some of the family lines go back! How wonderful to know so many people from my family. I love seeing that so so many of these family members have had their temple work done for them. My heart swells when I find that someone has temple work that I can do for them!
I have now reserved and printed work that I can complete for many of my ancestors. I am so excited to go to the temple and do temple work for those of my own family. 
I am sad to see how many lines don't go back very far. I have written to a great-aunt to help me get some information about those missing pieces. I am hopeful she has the information I am looking for.
 Because "the celestial organization of heaven is based on families" it is important for families to be sealed together. YOU can be part of this too!
I cannot wait for you to feel the excitement I feel for family history. I believe if you don't get excited about genealogy/family history/temple work- then you must be doing it wrong! It really is thrilling to find those you can bless with the ordinances of the gospel.
I am so looking forward to this summer when we will have several activities devoted to family history. It REALLY will be fun. Of that I can promise.

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