Monday, May 25, 2015

Sneak Peek!

Young Women, Here is the craft we will be making tomorrow night for mutual!
I made my sample today and am eager for tomorrow night!
I hope you all can come!

Love, Sister Chambers

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mid-May Personal Progress Updates

Hello Young Women!
I have loved seeing some of the pictures you girls took while at the Logan temple last week!
It reminded me... I spoke with a few of you about making those trips part of your personal progress experiences! One idea that a young woman and I had about the trips was JOURNALING about the experience at the temple. Her and I agreed that for her, 4 journal entries would count towards 1 personal progress experience (one of the optional/create your own) in most any of the values. If you think this would work for you- START! Or if you have another idea about how these temple trips could contribute to completing personal progress- let me know!
 What a great opportunity it is for you girls to be attending the temple so often, almost once a month!

Also, for our personal progress mutual in April we wrote letters of appreciation to someone in our life. How were your notes received? I wrote my note to that "unknown" girl at my son's preschool that listened to the Spirit and helped me to remember the Lord is mindful of me. (I shared the story that night...) I was unsure of how to get the letter to her, but I tried my best and am assuming/hoping that it was received! I haven't heard from her, I didn't expect to (she wouldn't likely not know how to get back to me!). But I feel so happy that I was able to let her know what a bright spot she was in my day. Unfortunately sometimes we don't let people know when they have blessed our lives!
I am planning on writing one more letter to a wonderful woman I have always admired... 
I hope that your goals of serving others and helping them to "feel well about themselves" is going AWESOME!
I am looking forward to our activity in a week and a half- a CRAFT and SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT. What could be better?
Happy personal progressing! Love, Sister Chambers

(photo credit: Marlee Higgins Facebook page)