Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Personal Progress

 to Marlee for receiving her Faith ribbon! And Sister Higgins for receiving her Divine Nature ribbon! Jenna is SO close to receiving her Choice and Accountability ribbon and Sister Nielson says she is close to getting a ribbon too... Good luck!

This month, your personal progress calendar experience was a reminder to work on an experience in Choice and Accountability, of your own choosing. Thanks to Jenna for a fun ice cream activity last month! And exercising your AGENCY, you each decided which C&A experience you would like to complete. Most of you chose #2, how is that going?
Our activity last night was so great for me! I love both of the books we read, "Daughter of a King" and "The Parable of the Princesses". I want you to know that I really do have a testimony that we are spirit daughters of our Heavenly Father and that he truly loves us and wants us to return back to him. He has provided so many tools to help us on that journey back to him and becoming more like our Savior.
Please read your "letter to a friend" often. Sometimes we can get down on ourselves and forget our divine nature and individual worth, but encourage and remind yourself of WHO YOU ARE the way you would a dear friend!

Happy personal progressing! Love, Sister Chambers

Sunday, August 2, 2015

SUMMER Personal Progress Updates

Summer is a GREAT time to work on personal progress! Despite being busy with family vacations, outdoor activities, spending time with friends, camps and jobs you have MORE time than you think you do!
Here is a re-cap of what we have been working on this summer:
 June- calendar experience, Knowledge #7. If you attended camp, did you make sure this experience was completed? At camp you are always learning about First Aid and gaining survival skills- make sure this experience gets signed off!!
June- mutual activity, Divine Nature #2. We read 2 conference talks and discussed the importance of womanhood. You were also supposed to work on developing a feminine attribute. Which one did you choose?
July- calendar experience, Divine Nature #4. Memorizing the sacrament prayers. I truly feel that this can be a blessing in your life as your focus on the meaning of the sacrament and keep our Savior in your thoughts continually.
 July- mutual activity, Integrity #1. The City Creek Ward young women don't "WAFFLE"! I hope the play on words (waffle as a VERB) and our discussion helped you girls decide to keep Heavenly Father's commandments and make decisions that will bring you closer to him. Your challenge was to choose something to get rid of in your life, that bring you closer to the Savior. What did you choose?
August- calendar experience, Divine Nature #5. This experience is to help you learn obedience to your parents and develop the desire within you to continue to be obedient. (I was not so good at this when I was your age...)
 August- mutual activity, a Choice and Accountability Ice Cream social! Jenna and I have been working together on this activity and I am so excited for it! (I wish it was happening THIS week!) I am not quite sure which experience you girls individually will be able to complete by attending and participating... still working on that! Please come and bring a friend if you like!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Se-"reese"-ly "Bursting" with Happiness- "3" Cheers to You!

More goodies to add to our treat basket!
I hope you girls have been busy so you can pick out your favorite!

See you tomorrow night!
Happy personal progressing!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sneak Peek!

Young Women, Here is the craft we will be making tomorrow night for mutual!
I made my sample today and am eager for tomorrow night!
I hope you all can come!

Love, Sister Chambers

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mid-May Personal Progress Updates

Hello Young Women!
I have loved seeing some of the pictures you girls took while at the Logan temple last week!
It reminded me... I spoke with a few of you about making those trips part of your personal progress experiences! One idea that a young woman and I had about the trips was JOURNALING about the experience at the temple. Her and I agreed that for her, 4 journal entries would count towards 1 personal progress experience (one of the optional/create your own) in most any of the values. If you think this would work for you- START! Or if you have another idea about how these temple trips could contribute to completing personal progress- let me know!
 What a great opportunity it is for you girls to be attending the temple so often, almost once a month!

Also, for our personal progress mutual in April we wrote letters of appreciation to someone in our life. How were your notes received? I wrote my note to that "unknown" girl at my son's preschool that listened to the Spirit and helped me to remember the Lord is mindful of me. (I shared the story that night...) I was unsure of how to get the letter to her, but I tried my best and am assuming/hoping that it was received! I haven't heard from her, I didn't expect to (she wouldn't likely not know how to get back to me!). But I feel so happy that I was able to let her know what a bright spot she was in my day. Unfortunately sometimes we don't let people know when they have blessed our lives!
I am planning on writing one more letter to a wonderful woman I have always admired... 
I hope that your goals of serving others and helping them to "feel well about themselves" is going AWESOME!
I am looking forward to our activity in a week and a half- a CRAFT and SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT. What could be better?
Happy personal progressing! Love, Sister Chambers

(photo credit: Marlee Higgins Facebook page)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April and May Personal Progress Updates

Happy April!
This month, your calendar experience focused on the sacrament. As part of your "Come Follow Me" curriculum in April you learned about the apostasy and restoration. Part of the restoration was bringing back the sacrament as Jesus had taught it to his disciples. 
It is Faith experience #4. Did you read the scriptures pertaining to that experience? Have you set a pattern of pondering the sacrament prayers and journaled about your baptismal covenants? If not- that's okay! You can still complete this experience. The tidbits each day on the calendar can be a source to help you- but you can complete these experiences whenever it is best for you. I know you girls are sure busy!!
 And for our mutual activity in April you had the opportunity to work on 1 or 2 experiences in personal progress. Divine Nature #3: strengthening a family relationship AND Individual Worth #3: helping to build others and make them feel of worth. These experiences will largely be done by yourself, so I am sorry- we did not get to sign off these experiences that night. But I gave you some handouts to help you be successful. I hope that you will read over them several times and that you will ask yourself the questions I included and that they will help you to know WHO you can serve and love and WHAT you can do to serve and love.
 In fact, I have felt that those experiences can be so beneficial for you, that on May's calendar I will include tidbits to remind you of the goal to strengthen relationships and lift others. So no new calendar experience for May- just continuing from the mutual activity in April. I want you to be successful. So if you haven't yet started, you still can!
Since the calendar experience for May won't be centered on the "Come Follow Me" curriculum- our mutual activity will be! The theme for the month of May is "Prophets and Revelation". For May we will be working on Choice and Accountability #5. (And according to my notes, no one has yet completed that one!) That experience centers on learning more about the Holy Ghost- our revelator. We will also be making a craft to help us remember the prophets and their counsel. It will likely be similar to this...
or this...
 But instead of holding pictures we will be using them to hold our favorite quotes from conference so that we can always remember the prophets and their counsel! (Of course if you choose to use it to hold a picture that is fine too.) Perhaps a quote such as this...
Does this sound familiar to anyone? (Maybe from the movie we watched at our personal progress mutual?)
Happy personal progressing! Love you girls! 
Sister Chambers

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Personal Progress Recognition

 Dear Young Women,
Have you wondered how you will be recognized for completing three personal progress experiences? I have decided to create a basket full of goodies for you to choose from. Here are what the gifts are....

For each three personal progress experiences you complete, you will get to pick a gift from the basket! As the number of gifts dwindle I will replace them with new things.
Congratulations to Jenna, Emma, and Marlee who have been completing personal progress experiences and get to choose from our new basket of goodies tomorrow!
Happy personal progressing! Love, Sister Chambers

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March Personal Progress Update

Hello Young Women!
I am looking forward to our St. Patrick's Day personal progress activity this Tuesday. Thanks to Marlee for helping to plan the activities. Come ready to "hunt for treasure"! (Perhaps you will find a pot of gold...)
 This Tuesday's activity will help you to accomplish another experience in the value of Faith. If you completed February's calendar experience (Faith #6), March's calendar experience (Faith #5), and this mutual activity (Faith #2)- that will be 3 FAITH EXPERIENCES COMPLETED IN 2 MONTHS!
Also, remember that for every 3 experiences completed I want to recognize you with a small gift!

Happy personal progressing! Love, Sister Chambers

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


 New Beginnings, January 2015.

 Game Night and "Fear Factor" mutual activities, February 2015.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Personal Progress "Stuff"

My dear Young Women,
I have already enjoyed so much my calling as your personal progress advisor! I love reading through my personal progress book and prayerfully considering activities that we can do together to help you accomplish personal progress.
New Beginnings was a lot of fun- I want you to know that I REALLY do know that personal progress will bring color into your world!
 I wanted to recap the personal progress activities that we have already done, to make sure you are on track and completing the ones you would like to.

Remember: each month on the calendar there will be days devoted to personal progress "tidbits" and if you complete each task, you will have an experience completed by the end of the month. Look on the back of the newsletter to find out which experience you will complete! They will correlate with the monthly "Come Follow Me" curriculum.
 January calendar experience: Individual Worth #1
January PP mutual activity: New Beginnings

February calendar experience: Faith #6
I had your young women leaders pass out a copied picture that depicts that plan of salvation (you will need it for this experience). You can also get it here.
February PP mutual activity: Integrity #3

I will try to plan activities and experiences that will help everyone complete personal progress. However, you are all in different phases of the program. So if one month the mutual activity doesn't help you complete an experience, the next one will!

Remember: for every 3 experiences you complete you will get a reward. I want to recognize your accomplishment. Don't be shy- let me know!

Love, Sister Chambers